Physical Attributes


Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing video game addict
Game-Induced Seizures?

The fastest growing form of gaming throughout the world with an estimated 16 million subscribers globally are MMORP games which allow dwellers to play a virtual three-dimensional game where they can hunt - fall in love - make friends - and form communities. Playing the MMORPGs allows individuals to develop a sense of belonging potentially leading to hours of entertainment playing popular games such asLineage. The newer genre of online games are perceived to be a public health threat in some quarters of the population due to the more advanced complexity, graphics, and violence which when played may have a psychological impact on the individual by creating a emotional disturbance as well as obsessive thoughts and or violence. The effects of MMORGs are now being realized on special populations with epileptic histories although traditionally it was believed by researchers that epileptic seizure related to video game playing were induced by intermittent photic stimulation or photosensitivity, present studies indicate that the complexity of combining the fantasy with reality in the virtual world create emotional disturbances related to higher mental stimuli, anxiety, fatigue, and stress from playing MMORGs. Further findings indicate the type of seizure related to MMORG playing is generalized tonic clonic or a combination of myclonic/ absence seizures and generalized. One other interesting finding is that two thirds of the females had photosensitivity whereas males predominately experienced seizure activity playing the games indicating that other factors such as emotional stimulation play a significant role in predicting the results. With that knowledge, treatment is available for MMORG players who have a history of epileptic seizures or who may receive diagnosis of epilepsy as a result of playing valproic acid (Depakote) alone or in combination with Clonazepam effective control game-induced and spontaneous seizures.


Relationship between Online Gaming Addiction and Substance Dependency?

Dopamine produced in the substantia nigra, and hypothalamus has long been associated withParkinson's Disease, depression, schizophrenia, and with substance dependency, where when levels are low we tend to see Parkinson's symptoms or depression, and with high levels we are more likely to see symptoms of schizophrenia such as hallucinations. The role dopamine plays in substance abuse is that the individual continues to seek out the substance to maintain a high or good feeling which is the reinforcing mechanism of dopamine and dopamine receptors. In particular, the reinforcing receptors involved are the D1 and D5 receptors whereas the D2, D3, and D4 tend to be inhibiting receptors. The Dopamine receptor (DRD5) receptor gene contains the allele associated with developing a dependency for substances such as marijuana, heroin, and stimulants. Associations with having this DRD5 receptor gene are not only SD but include novelty seeking, antisocial behavior and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Heritability of genotypes for specific substance abuse such as for sedative, marijuana, heroin, and stimulants share the risk of variance within generations runs between 50 and 85 percent in most studies.


Treatment of Seizure Disorders/ Substance Dependency

One effective treatment for both seizure disorders and is being studied for use with addictions to methamphetamine and cocaine is the amino acid Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that is found in the brain and CNS (Central Nervous System). The most important action of GABA is that it inhibits neurons in the brain and acts on the vertebrae to excite or inhibit motor neurons. Many common sedatives such as Benzodiazepines depress the CNS via the neurotransmitter GABA thus effectively suppressing seizures and potentially the euphoria of substance abuse.